Thursday, February 3, 2011

Holy Crap

I haven't written about anything Twin Cities based for a while, but good news, Twin Cities-ers. The next beer in the Summit Unchained series is coming out in March and it sounds awesome. It's being brewed by Damian McConn, who I've met briefly and is a great guy. He's always willing to share his knowledge with other brewers and/or wonks like me. Damian does all of the casking at Summit, and in part because of that, there are probably a dozen places in the Twin Cities that now have cask beer, where five years ago, I didn't know of any. I hope the trend continues, and anyone who wants to further the cause is ok in my book.

The beer is going to be called Gold Sovereign, and is based on a recipe from the 19th century. It's going to be brewed with Warminster Maris Otter malt and Boadicea hops. Basically my favorite hop of all time. As a fan of British beer, and history (and naturally hence: brewing history) this should be right up my ally, as well as literally 10 or 12 other people. I haven't tried it yet, but I suspect that what it may lack in mass appeal, it'll make up for in flavor. I also have to hand it to Summit, because as a brewery that many local drinkers pan for being too conservative, they've been turning out some of the best beer from the Twin Cities. I'll be reviewing this one just as soon as it's available.

Thanks to MNBeer, who I stole the story from

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